Lambeth is an incredibly diverse borough and for us to have the biggest impact it's important we reach out to groups that would not otherwise be involved with environmental activism.
Environmental issues will affect everyone and it is therefore vital that everyone gets involved.
Our Community and Inclusion Campaign aims to reach out to new groups and engage with different people who may not otherwise be reached by environmental action groups.
Engage with diverse perspectives and understand different groups’ needs, hopes and concerns
Represent a wide range of groups across Lambeth
Ensure a recovery from COVID-19 is a recovery that works for everyone
We're currently connecting with local groups and working with them in a supportive and engaging manner, including:
working with parents and young children in Stockwell ward on a series of fun and creative workshops about sustainability. The aim is to open up a space for local families from diverse backgrounds to come together and share their knowledge and experience about environmental issues, how they're taking action and what works for them.
We're also working on a selection of offerings that Lambeth FoE can offer other groups such as workshops, talks, Q&As and presentations.
In October and November 2020, Lambeth Friends of the Earth teamed up with local partners to run a series of workshops for parents in Lambeth, exploring environmental issues, sustainability and what we can all do to be a little bit greener! Together, we learned about eating seasonally and sustainably, recycling and reusing household items, and we shared lots of tips and tricks for how to do your part.
This zine is a collection of some of our favourite memories, top tips and ideas and inspiration, which we hope will be helpful for other families.